Future development

Future development

Like with all things, time is unfortunately always a very limited resource. Hence why our team found a lot of interesting ideas which could not have been implemented in the provided timeframe.
This however does not mean that those ideas are scrapped! They might very well be added by a later development team, maybe by you?

Dynamic display

This overview consists of a build-it-yourself type spacestation. You might ask yourself what the purpose of a spacestation inside a study planer might be, but don't be afraid, we know what we are doing! First things first, the idea itself is pretty easy to explain. Just like the lecture contents are defined as modules, so are the segments of a spacestation. Both are called modules, hence the reason this idea was born.

This spacestation consists of a large main module which is connected to the three QSP modules. One can be selected to provide the remaining components with energy. Connected to the main module are also multiple smaller modules ordered by number. These smaller modules represent the semesters of the student. Connected to these are the actual modules (lecture contents) planned and / or finished by the student.

The station can be actively build upon by adding, editing or deleting modules. You can actually build your own personal study plan by doing this, not being limited by any intended structure. The more modules you finish, the bigger you can build your own space station. This does not only provide an informative study progress display, but also provides a motivating and fun to use activity.

 Video download: MMI_Spacestation.mp4  

The basics of this station have already been implemented during our project. Further development work is required since this functionality turned out to be larger than initially expected. Future work is definitely required and we would love to see this feature fully implemented, maybe with your help?

Other ideas

The following ideas came up during our planning phases but have not been worked on. They might be a good resource for future feature planning so go ahead to consider these ideas if you are working on MMI or any other project for this school.

A daily study schedule

Planning each day, not just each semester:

  • Notification on course begin and changes
  • Notification on course cancel
  • The event plan contains things like date, room and lecturer
  • Get noticed if a course has been moved
  • Enter own events

Course ratings

User rating of courses for other students:

  • Contains difficulty, time effort, other comments
  • Time effort for a course (actual effort / desired effort)
  • Important information about the courses like:

    "The exercises are very instructive."

An Event ticker

Getting noticed when:

  • An official HS-Event (like partys) happens
  • A bachelor / master thesis is happening
  • An exam is taking place

List of contact persons

List of links for student who need a contact person for study problems (e.g. replacement bulb for a beamer):

  • Student Counseling
  • AstA / Stupa

A list of important links to manage a students overall study life at the school:

  • Useful (free) books
  • How to learn for exams
  • Filebase
  • Current cafeteria menu
  • Moodle
  • LSF
  • About parking tickets
  • Information about Worms

HowTos / FAQs

Explaining the various services of the university:

  • How to get a parking ticket
  • Where to eat
  • How to enroll in a Moodle course
  • Grant access on exams
  • Payment of tuition
  • Opening times

Room occupation

Displaying a list of occupied rooms / rooms for work groups / reserved rooms:

  • Display if they are locked or not

Online Meetings

Students can communicate with a lecturer about specific themes and students can communicate with other students, e.g.:

  • On chat rooms
  • A Forum / Boards (looking for thesis / help)

Better maintainability

Writing module descriptions in Libre / Open Office using DocBook so a PDF can be generated:

  • Import the converted DocBook document into the app