Modul Manager - WiSe 2015

Modul Manager - WiSe 2015

Our vision

Our project goal is the improvement of the previous version of the Modul Manager app, built by our fellow students of the previous semester. Go check them out!

We want to improve the Modul Manager with a new motivating, creative and non-technical progress visualization. We want to combine this idea with an alternate semester view which displays the current and following semesters in a more intuitive way that guides the user through his study. We further want to create a new and up to date overall design.

Our motivation 

The reason for this project is the state of the previous Modul Manager app. While definitely useful, it failed to be fun and motivating enough, hence the goal we set for the following improvements, improving the overall user experience.

The project

The Modul Manager is an android application to successfully organize your study progress as a student of HS-Worms. To accomplish this, the application features a module overview that displays required and optional module choices for each students study. Grades can be added and descriptions of the individual modules can be displayed, making sure that you know what you are going to do before you actually do it.


This study overview was already featured in the old project. It displays the intended study plan for the students. The goal of this overview is to display what should be done and remind each student to not move away from this intended plan too fast or too far. This feature was not only inherited but also enhanced in multiple ways.

The design has been updated to follow the current android design guidelines. This makes sure, that the design is not only pretty to look at, but also follows the actual quality expectation from Google itself. Another important part of the project was fixing bugs, both known and the ones that have been identified during the project. This was done to make sure that the app quality is as high as possible.

The code has also been refactored, meaning that the app does what it did already at a higher speed, making it more efficient overall. This speed enhancement is especially noticeable if the app is started.

If you are a freshman student of our school and don't want to drown in all of the different modules you can or have to take, then consider using this app to help you reach the shore. Don't get wet, use MMI!

MMI - Modul Manager Informatik
~ Find your way ~

Our Team       

The verdict

Although the team worked quite well together, we missed our goal of implementing a new motivating, creative and non-technical progress visualization.
Check out "Future development" to learn more about our ideas during this project.


Our accomplishments

•  Up to date material design!

•  A new improved color scheme!

•  Improved stability!

•  Improved processing!

•  And last but not least - More fun!

Check out our product

Why you need our product

•  Be prepared for your next lecture!

 Monitor your study progress!

 Set and observe your current goal(s)!

 Plan and build your future study plan!

•  Be more motivated to continue your study!

Need Help / Interested?

Don't be afraid to message us by email.

Also don't be afraid to ask about working on this project in the future. Just contact us via this email:



We are happy about any future work on this project.

Our supervisors     

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