Installation / Build Instructions

Installation / Build Instructions

To use Vemoria, you currently need to build the software manually. For this, you need QtCreator, QT-Libs and Git.

On Windows, we experienced errors when any other than the mingw QTCreator version was downloaded, so please be aware of that.

In order to get those, just use the Official QT website and download/install the latest version.

After installing QT-Creator, you have to install GIT as well. If you are inexperienced with installing/using GIT, the Atlassian GIT-Tutorial will help you out.

As next step clone the Bitbucket repository:

  • click on "clone" (found at the left top corner within the Bitbucket-navigation)
  • copy the given link
  • type "git clone" inside of your command prompt and insert the link
  • We experienced errors when Vemorias Full Path included a namespace
  • shortly after pressing Enter the Vemoria repository is being copied on your computer and can be used

Then, open up the QtCreator and import the vemoria.pro project, located in the src/ directory of your freshly cloned repository.

Finally, click the build button in the lower left corner of QtCreator and wait, as it compiles the necessary libraries and Vemoria (depending on the speed of your system, this can take a while, usually around 5 minutes).